Curiosities in Great Britain. ENGLAND and WALES. 4 Volumes of 6.

London. Tallis & Co. Circa 1830. 8vo [6 x 8.6ins].

Stock Status: In Stock


Pp 324,164,304, 484 + 41of 58 ENGLISH AND WELSH FOLDING COUNTY MAPS, engraved by J.ROPER drawn by G.COLE, (vols 4 & 6 missing) + 98 Steel engraved view plates. Original cloth gilt, rubbed. Cole and Roper published -The British Atlas- with 58 English and Welsh county maps + 21 town plans in 1808-10. Dugdale used in his earlier editions of his Curiosities in Great Britain the Cole and Roper county maps minus the town plans, erasing all references to the map's origin. In his many later editions he used the J. Archer maps that are far more common and less attractive.

Technical Data

Author Dugdale.Thomas & Cole and Roper.
Reference Number 7270